Dear Patients,
I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with information about Browder Clinic. It has been my privilege to serve the medical needs of my patients in Central Texas for many years. Browder Clinic is a concierge practice in Internal Medicine.
Browder Clinic allows me to work directly for my patients to provide high quality medical care without any conflict of interest. Joining my practice will require completion of a patient services agreement and payment of a retainer fee for care. Like an old fashioned doctor, I run my own private practice. This has put me back into the role of patient advocate instead of working for insurance companies, hospitals, and the Federal Government. Medical decisions will be made based on my patient’s health and not the bottom line of an insurance company.
My goal is to serve your medical needs with an unmatched level of care in terms of quality, value, and convenience. Browder Clinic provides unparalleled access to physician care along with special preventative health and wellness benefits. I have structured this practice to allow more time to be spent with each patient during office visits. Patients will have access to Browder Clinic by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for urgent medical issues.
Our current health care system is over-burdened and no longer guarantees access to care just because you have Medicare or insurance coverage, as access to a waiting list is not access to medical care. Browder Clinic is limited in the number of patients accepted in order to guarantee patient access to care when it is needed. I am offering my patients a positive alternative to our deteriorating health care system. In essence, my patients hire me as their personal private physician.
Your health is an asset that deserves your direct financial investment. When you become ill, you become a passive object in a system that is out of your control. If there is any way to avoid this fate, it makes sense to do so, especially when such a small investment is needed. With all of the new medical science and technology available in health care, all you need is time with a trusted advisor to help you put this information to the best use possible.